From a basic repair to a complete refurbishment, our experienced and qualified professionals have the skills you need, from electricians and plumbers to builders, decorators and handymen.
We help landlords and businesses of all sizes manage their buildings and infrastructure, offering one-off project work and ongoing contracts.
For businesses that don’t want or need a long-term contract, we offer repairs and refurbishments on a one-off basis.
Whether you’re a landlord who needs to decorate a house or a business owner who needs to fix a leaking tap in the office kitchen, we can help.
We’re also available throughout the UK for refurbishment projects. Whether you need an office ceiling replacement or a new warehouse heating system, we have the knowledge and experience to help.
Because we’re members of several professional trade bodies — including Gas Safe, CHAS and Constructionline — you can rely on us to deliver your project safely and to the highest possible standard.